The EBB & FLOW of a simple Wiccan | |||||||||||||||||
MERRY MEET. Wiccans, Druids and all Pagans Welcome
Moon Phases here | |||||||||||||||||
Why is there a resurgence in earth based religions? 'The interest in Paganism today in North America and the rest of the world may be interpreted as a response to an increased dissatisifaction with the way the world is going ecologically, spiritually and materially; people are disillusioned by mainstream religion and the realization that materialism leaves an internal emptiness.' Unlike most formal religions, earth based faiths have no holy text, central organization, membership, formal clergy, geographic centre, dogma or creed. In my opinion, All religions are simply different paths to the Ultimate reality, the pure Energy of "HOME" This can be visualized as a mountain, with many spiritual paths to the summit. Some are hard; others easy. There is no one correct path. All paths eventually reach the top. We anticipate that a new universal religion which contains elements of all current faiths will evolve and become generally accepted worldwide. | ||||||||||||||||
To Howl, Scream , or Rant, this is the place for you | |||||||||||||||||
My first rant will actually be a quote from someone I resepect a great deal, Margot Adler, author of "Drawing Down the Moon"
To Blow Off some steam(No one under 18) the Howlin' Zone is the place for you | ||||||||||||||||
Some of my posts to help find the Power within us all | |||||||||||||||||
An Eye for and Eye, leaves the whole world blind. Mohandas K. Gandhi I considered Atheism, but there weren't enough holidays An Eco-Village is a small community of 50-2000 people united by a common goal. This is usually based on an either ecological, social or spiritual perspective or a combination of these. Working from a simple principle of not taking more away from the Earth as one gives back, eco-villages are potentially sustainable indefinately. My goal is to create such a place here in Alberta where we can also incorporate a place of religious tolerance, a centering point for knowledge and growth. A place to learn and share in Nature based faiths, paganist principles, wiccan ways, and any path that carries the highest regard for our beloved Mother Earth. Click here for more on the proposed
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